Philip Daniel Bolden: Biography

Philip Daniel Bolden, a well-known Movie Actor, was born March 19, 1995 in the United States. He is a former child actor best known for his roles as How to Eat Fried Worms and Are We There Yet? He was the lead role of Devon in My Wife and Kids in 2002. Astrologers have determined that Pisces is the zodiac sign.

American actor Philip Daniel Bolden was born March 19, 1995. Bolden was born March 19, 1995 and was an actor in America. He played Kevin in adam dimarco Are We There Yet? with Ice Cube, Nia Long and again in 2007 in Are We Done Yet?.

His parents are Kristin and Kenny Bolden. Aliesha Allen was his ex-girlfriend.

He made his first screen appearance in 1999 on King of Queens, as Kirby Palmer. In Johnson Family Vacation, he played the role of “Mack Jr.” He also appeared in The Animal and Little Nicky.

Ethnicity and political views

Many people want to know about Philip Daniel Bolden’s ethnicity, nationality and Ancestry. Let’s find out! According to Wikipedia and IMDb, is not of known ethnicity. This article will be updated with information about political views and religion. After a few days, please check the article again.
Bolden has appeared on television’s According to Jim, CSI: Miami and Malcolm in the Middle. He has also starred in guest roles on My Wife and Kids and The King of Queens. Bolden also appeared on the telefilm Play’d. He was a key role in Macy Gray’s 2001 music video, “Sweet Baby”. He appeared with NBA’s Kobe Bryant in a McDonald’s commercial in 1999. After appearing in Fly me the moon (2008), Bolden took a ten-year hiatus from acting. However, Bolden returned to acting in iZombie recently as Harris.

Philip Daniel Bolden Net Worth

Bolden is a movie actor and one of the most well-known. Our analysis of Forbes, Wikipedia, and Business Insider shows that net worth is about $1.5 million.

Who is Philip Daniel Bolden dating now?

Our records show that may be single and has never been married. Philip Daniel Bolden is single as of June 2021.

Relationships Record: There are no records about past relationships for Philip Daniel Bolden. We may need your help to create the dating records!
Bolden has appeared on television’s According to Jim, CSI: Miami and Malcolm in the Middle. He has also starred in guest roles on My Wife and Kids and The King of Queens. Bolden also appeared on the telefilm Play’d. He was a key role in Macy Gray’s 2001 music video, “Sweet Baby”. He appeared with NBA’s Kobe Bryant in a McDonald’s commercial in 1999. After appearing in Fly me the moon (2008), Bolden took a ten-year hiatus from acting. However, Bolden returned to acting in iZombie recently as Harris.

Philip Daniel Bolden Net Worth

Philip Daniel Bolden is a movie actor and one of the most well-known. Our analysis of Forbes, Wikipedia, and Business Insider shows that net worth is about $1.5 million.

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