Here are 5 Tips for Beginning Wedding Photographers

Here are 5 Tips for Beginning Wedding Photographers

Capture the Firsts

Couples love to remember every moment of their wedding day, particularly the first moments. These first moments are the couple’s first kisses, first dances and first looks. You may find that your clients are planning non-traditional “first moments” and it is important to inquire about these special moments.

You should plan time to capture these first moments and be prepared in advance. These milestones can be quick so it is important to plan ahead.

You can ensure that your first-moment images are well captured by setting your camera to a fast shutter speed. This will allow you to take many quick shots without any delay. This will give you a variety of images to choose from when you post-process them.

These first moments can also be captured from different angles. If the couple is planning a grand entrance, you might want to set up multiple cameras and a remote shutter so that you can capture it from different angles.

Take a look at the reactions

The best thing for newlyweds is to see photos of their friends having fun at their wedding. You should also capture moments of fun and laughter at the reception or on the dance floor with friends. The expressions of family members, friends, and loved ones who came to support your clients are worth capturing.

This is a great job to share with your assistant. You can assign them to capture the “WOW!” reactions of family and friends while you remain close to the bride or groom.

Ask your partner for quick photos and to cover as many faces possible. This is a happy occasion and the moments should be saved for later.

Know your Guests

There are many guests at a wedding. The happy couple will be supported by their friends, family, colleagues, and relatives. It is important to capture the joy of the guests, but it is not your job to do so.

To designate VIP guests, the couple should discuss the guest list. These guests should be given priority portraits. You should also make an effort to get their names.

You already know that the bride and groom’s friends and family are the life and soul of the party. You should consider them as important as they are to the couple. You should shoot some portraits with them both as a couple and alone.

Take a group photo

Everybody wants to take a portrait of the couple. This could take up to an entire night. It is better to photograph in groups. You won’t have time to take the best shots if you don’t.

Your partner can help you manage these groups effectively. You might have an assistant who will help you assign groups, fix flyaway hairs, and adjust other details so that you can photograph.

It can be difficult to capture everyone in perfect focus when shooting group photos. Some people blink and others are not in focus. It’s important to take many more shots so that you can select the best image for each group.


A smile is worth capturing. Hidden moments in a wedding ceremony or reception can add life to an album.

These moments are rare and unique, so you can’t plan or create them. This means that you need to be alert for them and not hesitate to click your shutter. These photos will be a hit with the couple.

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